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Hello world!

Hello everyone my name is Bernice but my mom usually calls me Berner.

I had my left hind leg amputated on August 28th 2010.  I was travelling in the back of a pickup and my owners didnt secure me in a kennel so I bounced out and then was hit by a truck 🙁  My old owners didnt even stop to see if I was ok.  Some very nice people from the SPCA (Society for the Pervention of Cruelty to Animals) came and took me off of the Highway.  They took me to a very nice vet that said that my leg couldnt be saved. 

My new mom came in after she heard my story.  She asked if I was a good girl (and I am !!!!).  She brought her four legged dog ( I think its weird that she has an extra leg), Shirley, to see if we could behave together.  As soon as I saw Shirley I was sure I had finally found the missing piece of my life !!! We got along so well that my mom took me home instantly. 

At my new home I have a brother named Roy – he is a very nice orange cat.  He doesnt like havinghis bum sniffed though – I learnt that the hard way.  I also have a sister named Mavis – she is little tortie cat.  She is alot of fun to play with and if I sit still long enough she grooms me 🙂  And of course I have my best friend Shirley – she is a Rotti mix.  I even have a backyard where I get to run and play.  The neighbour dogs come over too and we play and play and play.  I get tired quick though so I take lots of breaks on the deck and watch my friends play.

I am so happy to have found my perfect forever home !!! I get lots of love and attention – I love it !!!

I will tell my mom to keep everyone informed about my new life and all the adventures that we go on 🙂

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